r radioblogclub / quicktime player here. =)
Welcome to My Turf. This site is owned by someone hiding in the persona of Glenda. Please take into consideration that all the ramblings posted here are all what the owner feels and no one can make fuss of it. This is my blog and you must abide by my two rules. One, don't spam the tagboard and two, comment on my posts and tag before you go. Enjoy your stay!

For more information regarding my rules, here is a detailed .

A Pinoy Blogger

Pinoy Bloggers[dot]Org

the drugged
Joy! I'm a Creature Banana

Surrounded by inner demons, that's how a blogger lives.
Marj/Marjoured/ Glenda. Born on October 11, 1990. Certified Libra. A Fourth year student. Wannabe Atenean, Thomasian, Fighting Maroon, Lasallian. Loner. Misunderstood. Certified Bookworm. Likes all subjects except PHYSICS. Has a distant past. Frequents all the so-called "MASA" places. Has a short temper and one-track mind that goes well together. Word lover, number hater.The so-called "shock absorber" of the class. More?

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currently ingesting
Mood: The current mood of constantly4 at www.imood.com
Sorted in: So basically, you're cunning, ambitous, and willing to use any means to meet your ends. Lots of people think Slytherins are cold, evil, heartless people.. and although some are, some are not. Slytherins are the most misunderstood people.. You're not all evil! We're misconceived and misunderstood, and have been given a bad rep.. The movie makes us look terrible. People just have this thing about people about ambition.. Hmm.. Well, you know you're the best, so I guess it doesn't matter. Gryffindor may beat you at everything.. but you still keep trying! COME ON, SHOW SOME SLYTHERIN PRIDE!
Achieved: 3rd place as Filipino Blog of the week!
Medal ko sa Talahasaan..Medyo light yellow nga lang nang konti yung ribbon...Thanks Kaye!

overdoses on
food anything edible
drink Dutch Mill Strawberry drink
book Robinson Crusoe
wears orange shirt and pants
time to study for physics
surfs on utakGAGO's blog
watches the stars fall down *huh?*

looking for the lost soul

This site is certified 39% EVIL by the Gematriculator

my daily dosage
Lucille|Betina| Xtian|Jemima| Timi| Christine|Mara1|Karmi|Alexine| Jonnazel| Nagi|Celena|Rowjie|
Donya Quixote|Rizza|Neil|Moshi|
Lexine|Pot|Rina|Mr. Tuesday|Via|

nurse's station
the healing process
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
June 2007

generic names
Archives of my Life|School Blues|Rages of the Heart |Out of the Blue |Tripping |Tags |Works

drug counters
GameCounter friends.

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College Life: My Assessment. / Saturday, June 23, 2007

/sluggish Marjoured blogged at:
6/23/2007 10:53:00 AM
